Gym-Fee-Free Fitness.
What would it feel like to be in the best shape of your life?
Supposedly impossible without getting your butt into the gym. But it’s not always easy to make the time or travel there. Nor is it possible in the long run…
This fitness-friendly combo is the way to keep meeting your goals. Use the skipping rope and resistance bands to build the body of your dreams. Do it from the comfort and convenience of your home or outdoor space. Just throw in some sweat and energy – of course – and anything is possible.
Health & Form Boost.
Ever wondered how the world’s star athletes have such great balance, stamina, and coordination? It’s no secret.
They use a skipping rope for those attributes. And they have throughout history. It’s great for concentration, mental well-being, and promoting a healthy heart.
Compound exercises are our most functional movements. By including resistance bands, you’re focusing on correct control and stability. This improves your form and the growth and repair of your muscles. It’s perfect for newbies and elite athletes, for demanding training or injury rehab.
Reliable Design & Materials.
The skipping rope is made from a durable steel wire that’s woven together and coated with PVC. It’s attached to a rotating ball bearing on either end that guarantees a smooth, consistent swing. The ergonomic handles have comfortable, sweatproof rubber grips with a stainless-steel interior.
Each resistance band is made from elastic latex. This synthetic material is stretchy and strong, and each band is ideal for different strength levels. Adjust them according to your immediate needs.
Place your order today!
Colour: Black (skipping rope), black, red, yellow, blue, green (bands)
Materials: Rubber, PVC, latex
Size: Customisable (skipping rope), 30 x 5 cm (bands)
*Important Note: Please ensure you have adequate free space before using the equipment indoors.
What have you got?
1x Speed skipping rope
5x Resistance loop bands
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